Saturday, November 28, 2009

第四度空间第六篇-Planning for this Holiday

This year’s holiday is the shortest holiday. I just got one month free because the camp already take one week. So I need to plan so I can have a nice holiday.

I have to read the book I ordering that cost me about RM700. Maybe I can read it for my GF and my younger sister as a bedtime story. It’s a good idea and it can improve my ability of story telling. I might use this skill when I going to teach in the coming day.

Beside of that, I also want to plan for journey with GF and my family. The destination I haven’t decide, maybe go to GENTING, long time never go there. ( feel difficult to write, lack of vocabulary, I might write for thousand word for my journey plan in Chinese)

I will also take my AIA exam and join AIA this holiday. My sister invites me for joining AIA, she say that it not bad to have another skill beside of our own job. Maybe I can become a good insurance seller than a teacher. Who knows?

“Haven’t seen tiger write calligraphy “ is one of my blogger topic. I show my calligraphy for twice in blogger. But actually my calligraphy is really Kanasai. So I will going back to take my tuition in my calligraphy this holiday.

In conclusion, this is the main reference for my holiday. And I hope that I can continue to write my blog in this holiday, I always lazy to move and act in my home because that is too comfortable. I might be lazy even open my computer. Haha.

Thanks for cheng teik brother of his inspire. He said i'm brave because i dare to show my English even it's so broken and poor.

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